5 Temples that You Must Visit during Manali Trip

December 16,2020

5 Temples that You Must Visit during Manali Trip

Manali is a beautiful town located amidst the mighty Himalayan ranges that surround the northern state of Himachal Pradesh. Known for its diverse culture, rich heritage, and picturesque views, this place is a major tourist attraction. Apart from the natural landscapes that are a treat to the eyes, Manali is a hub of temples that you must visit during your trip to this heavenly place.

Here is a list of the 5 most famous temples in Manali that you should visit if you want to experience spirituality and surrealism.

Manu Temple:

Legend has it that after a flood had deluged the world, sage Manu stepped off his ark in Manali to recreate human life. Manu Temple is considered as the only temple of Manu Rishi – the creator of the human race on the earth. That’s why when in Manali, you ought to visit this temple. Besides offering some scenic views, the temple features amazing architecture made of wood. Built in a Pagoda style, this temple is located near Beas River, and so, you can also enjoy some activities at the river.

Hidimba Devi Temple:

According to the Indian mythology, Hidimba was born in a Rakshasa family and had vowed to marry the man who would defeat her brother Hidimb in a battle. During the Pandava’s exile, Bhim defeated Hidimb and married Hidimba who gave birth to their son Ghatotkach. And thus, she got the patent as the goddess of the Hindhu Royal Family. This temple is built by Raja Bahadur Singh in 1553 at the location where Devi Hidimba used to meditate. Besides religious importance, this temple is famous for the wooden carvings that reflect mythological characters of animals and cosmic dances. It is believed that all the prayers are fulfilled at this temple. So if you have anything on your mind, you might love to give it a try

Ghatotkach Tree Temple:

It is an ancient temple devoted to Ghatotkach, the son of demoness Hidimba and Bhim. Though it is located only 70 meters away from the Hidimba Devi Temple, it often skips the eyes of visitors. This is one of the unique places to visit in Manali.

Vashishth Temple:

Intricated with lots of wood carving, this temple was built by Raja Janamejaya in the memory of his father Raja Parikshit. Vashishth Temple is situated 3km from Manali and is famous for its hot water springs that are believed to have healing powers. It is believed that in order to help sage Vashishth, Lord Lakshaman shot an arrow into the ground and the hot water started gushing out. The place offers a wonderful view – snow-capped mountains, pine trees, hot water springs, and more.

Himalaya Nyingmapa Buddhist Temple:

Manali is the home of Tibetan Monasteries and among them, Himalaya Nyingmapa Buddhist Temple, aka Tibetan Manali Monastery, is the most famous. It is built in Pagoda style and houses a shrine of Tibetian Buddha. There is a garden outside the monastery where you can spend quality time with your family or friends.

So, these were the 5 most stunning temples in Manali that you must visit for a spiritual sojourn. A trip to the valleys is the best escape from the monotonous life. Peaceful temples surrounded by beautiful hills are classic respite. Aren’t they? Have you visited any temples on the above list? Let us know in the comments.

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