5 INTRIGIUNG reasons you should hire a taxi for a road trip to Himachal

May 21,2021

5 INTRIGIUNG reasons you should hire a taxi for a road trip to Himachal

By: Ankit Mehra

Are you too in a desperate need of a break? A comforting road trip to Himachal is an answer to it.

You have done enough work at home during so many uncalled lockdowns! It is time to go on a trip and do nothing.

To have the pleasantness of lying down at the back seat of a car, simultaneously giving yourself the luxury of staring at the spellbinding views.

These few reasons are compelling for me to hire a cab instead of driving myself on the roads of Himachal Pradesh.

But wait, there are more intriguing reasons for you to hire a taxi!

Before digging deep, let me give you the list of those reasons, which are sane to book an outstation cab.

1. Driving in Himachal requires experience

2. Convenience to go to places

3. Taxi cab drivers are the best INFORMANT

4. No pangs to plan each day

5. Reach secret beautiful places, like I did   

Let’s delve in!

Driving in Himachal requires experience:

When I started driving, the most horrific experience for me was driving over a fly-over. My skin was continuously sweating due to the disturbing anxiety instigated by the loud honking-cars behind me.

Surprise! Roads of Himachal are like clusters of ‘Fly-overs’ spread out on the mountains with an extra difficulty of utter steepness and sudden bending. To add to this, on one side of the road there will be a deep gorge, which may prompt light-headedness in anyone.

So, is it worth taking a risk?

I don’t think so unless you are born and brought up in a hilly area.

Drivers of the Himachal taxi services are the ones who were born or have lived for years in the state itself. They are skilled at driving on the meandering roads of the hill sites. Plus, acquainted with awareness of the routes could be handy in case mobile connectivity gets lost.

No signals mean no GPS in a remote area!

So, booking a cab and let the skilled one taking the charge is a wise decision.

Convenience to go to places:

“Hello bhaiya! Apko ye jagah ka pata hai kya?”

This is the usual question we all ask a stranger walking on the road whilst trying to reach a new place. It becomes cumbersome when you are totally unaware of the whereabouts of an area, and don’t even know the words and ethics of the colloquial (local) language.

It has happened so many times with me that I am only a few meters away from the destination, but still getting crazy searching it out.

Sounds relatable?

It spoils the whole plan and you might not reach the place on time. Sadly, missed the “magnificent sunset” that you wanted to see.

Unlike the above, if you have rented a taxi then the booking-service becomes your road trip planner. To make sure that you don’t miss the evening sunrays caressing the cheeks with a mellow warmth, the driver will give you a call followed by a safe reach at the destination.

Isn’t it convenient?

Enjoy the dusk with a cup of coffee!

Taxi cab drivers are the best INFORMANT:

Where can I eat local authentic food?

Which is the best time of the day to visit that lake?

I want to pee! Can I Google places to pee near me?

The last one is funny! But it does happen. That too when there is no availability of a washroom to ease yourself.

May be, Google Baba can guide you about where you can eat or the best time to visit a place. Still, the information is quite general.

To be precise, it won’t tell you where you can get the ‘Apple wine’ in Sangla, or when does Nako Lake proffer magical view? in the morning or evening?

But the driver can give answers to your questions that puzzle as he is well informed about the tourist requirements. It is his experience that speaks and gives you an insight.

He can tell you that apple wine is only available in a particular season and it is produced at few places in the valley.

Hence, he is the best person to ask for all details you require to make your trip truly fruitful. Moreover, the driver would be taking safeties into consideration, which a tourist might not be aware of.

So, hire a taxi cab and let the best informant guide you through.

No pangs to plan each day:

Wake up son, we’re getting late for temple darshan!

Did you pack your medicines for the trip?

Take a picture of me with the beautiful background!

There are a lot of responsibilities to be taken care of on a trip, especially for adults.  

For example -- Adults have to make sure that their kids eat on time. The ladies of the trip need to look for packing and carrying essential things on the excursion. And the list goes on.

How can you lessen the burden and focus more on enjoyment?

Outsource a responsibility!

Taxi booking firms cannot wake up your kid early or pack stuff for you. What they can do is planning your each day during the blissful vacation. It will offload you from the huge burden of planning every day of the retreat, which leads to visiting more places than expected. Hence, more fun.

Outsourcing the planning load of a trip is a proven technique to squeeze out pleasure and excitement as well. You’ll be having more quality time with your close ones instead of devoting your vigor into planning each day.

Reach secret beautiful places, like I did:

During my last trip to Mashobra, the driver took me in a valley blooming with colorful flowers. A few wild horses were grazing the verdant pastures and rabbits were hopping here and there merrily. Besides me and the driver, there was no other human in that area.

It touched the chords of tranquility and harmony in me!

It is not possible to reach such unadulterated places in a hilly region without the guidance of a local who knows all ins and outs of the place. This is possible for the driver as he has lived and explored the hill sites for many years. Plus, they can sense the liking of their customer.

Bingo! Don’t forget to ask the driver to take you to a quaint place, like I did, when you are going to Himachal via a private cab.

Final words:

However good you are at driving in your city, a new place poses a challenge and makes you invest time in planning and driving to reach the desired place. Rather, you can hire a cab from us and spend the valuable moments with your ‘nears and dears’, and most importantly with ‘yourself’.

Leave the hassle of driving in Himachal with us. We’ll take care of your each day as per your liking.

Book a package today and now. All you need to do is pick a package from our collection of featured ones by clicking here.

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